The Characters


Trombinoscope :
Gallery of portraits


Presentations by Lyokophile :
..... - Yumi Ishiyama - .....
..... - Yumi's parents - .....


Presentation by Nicoluve :
..... - Ulrich Stern - .....


Presentations by Cl_xana :
..... - Odd Della Robbia - .....
..... - Jérémie Belpois - .....
..... - Sissi and her gang - .....
..... - Milly Solovieff and Tamiya Diop - .....
..... - Jim Moralés - .....
..... - Madam Suzanne Hertz - .....
..... - Mister Jean-Pierre Delmas - .....


Presentation by Pete :
..... - Franz Hopper - .....


Presentation by Sonic Hachelle-Bee :
..... - Aelita Hopper - .....


Presentations from the official Code Lyoko website :
..... - The Monsters of XANA - .....

Those texts are the property of its authors
© March 2006