The factory

The disused factory lies on a river island and ressembles a ship that has run aground.


The factory contains, among other things :
¤ An long, empty hall, lined with broken glass and rusted metal ¤
¤ A labyrinthic-like hall filled with machines(presses, forges, robots…) ¤
¤ A control room wich house the supercomputer, the scanners (a type of tubular elevator) and the virtual map ¤

Jérémie follow his friends' progress on Lyoko through with the help of several devices :
¤ The computer with which he can communicate directly with them, monitor their health (sort of like EKG) and other data.
¤ The holomap, wixh gives Jérémie a wider view of the battleground, allows him to analyze the dangers to come and guide his friends, etc. On the holomap, our heroes and Aelita are represented by twinkling points :
o The map changes to display the appropriate territory
o The activated tower appears brighter than other towers.
o The map keeps track of :
§ The position of monsters : red dots
§ The position of our heros : green dots
§ Aelita's position : yellow dots
¤ Jérémie make use with computer interfaces on his screens.

Cutaway profile of the factory :

Jérémie in the laboratory

Holomap and other interfaces
© March 2006

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